My Speech - Fast Foods

I believe that fast food is bad for your health , because it contains fat, has a lot of salt and, hygiene problems.

A good reason why fast food is bad for your health is because it has a lot of fat. Fat is not good for your health because it is a high risk of people having a heart attack, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and you could die. It is proven that Polynesians are more likely to get more high risk of getting heart attack, diabetes because of all the fast food/fatty foods they are eating.

Another good reason why fast food is bad for your health because it contains salt. It could cause diabetes, heart attack. Take a normal cheese burger for example which contains 15% salt, and you are eating 12% more than recommended on a daily base.

Now my last reason why fast food is bad for you is for hygiene reasons. In restaurants and takeaway shops the benches and tables are really dirty and the chefs are sometimes too busy to notice the mess. It is a fact that you are more likely to get food poisoning when eating out.

So in conclusion I think that fast food is bad for your health because of the fat in the food, has a lot of salt and hygiene reasons. So I think we should eat at home more often because we are becoming more lazy if we are getting takeaways and it is always fun cooking with and for the Family.