When we went to Tennis......

In 2009 in term2 in week6 on wards , Kaitao middle School had Tennis lessons .
Our Tennis coach was John , He was really cool , He taught us how to do heaps of things .
First we done Serving , then back hand, front hand and volley . After we done those skills we done some games , like who could hit the ball the far rest out of the boys then girls , and we had a little game of tennis and if you missed the ball or hit it to far or to small and it didn't get over the net well then you are out. It was me Kiana and Jaysha that were the last 3girls and Chris and Marc, Winiata left out of the boys. Then the winners won a New World voucher.

ON our next session we had done some more stuff like We learnt how to volley , serve , basic skills , and your position in a game, that was cool and by the way there were 50tennis balls and then when we went we only had 10tennis balls.
We had a good as time with our tennis coach and we had a really good time learning new skills .

Our science project

Hey, In the next couple weeks there will be a science fair and everybody will have to do a project.
Me and Eron will be doing our project on food which is "Which bubble gum tastes nice when burnt and dipped into yogurt".

Materials:9bubble gum, strawberry yogurt, microwave, mouth.

Rules: We have to do it within 45 minutes , Our teacher has to give us permission and we cant get caught with the bubble gum!!!!!!

To make this project work we will first we have to put the bubble gum in the microwave them dip it into strawberry yogurt then see which gum tastes the nicest.

Autumasaraus (By eron & Autumn)

Suddenly, out of the darkness I got shoved by Autumasaraus with her gigantic arms and legs. As she ran away from the police for stealing lots of precious gems that controlled the cities power around the world. So I followed her to her hide out and I found all of the gems that powered the world. Once Autumasaraus left I tried to get them but she came back so I ran away. The next day I was with my friend Dannielle. We went for a look but she and her ship were gone. We looked for hours but she was gone. But a few minutes later we saw that in the day Autumasauraus ship went invisible. We found out that the Dino UFO was invisible in the day when we saw the dinosaur came out of his UFO. It was pretty freaky staying there when we knew that that thing was there but we did anyway. At nightfall we finally decided that we were going to sneak in so we waited for awhile till we saw the dinosaur go out so we did. Finally she was gone, now we can go in and take back our gems that she had taken from the towns around the world. The town was terrified because they had just noticed that something or someone had stolen there precious gem so we wanted to do it for our family and friends. When we snuck in we saw the gems, but when we went to go get them we got flown back into the wall because of the force field. When we woke up we found that we were put in a jail cell and the only way we could get out and get the gems out was with something that can be reflected. Suddenly we found this little piece of glass, so we threw it the hardest we could and it went through our force field and the other force and we ran to the gems and grabbed them and took it out. As we were walking out, we saw Autumasaraus and she started shooting at us with her guns so we put the gems in front of us for cover and the bullets went flying back at Autumasaraus. As we were going we pushed the home button for the UFO and then we jumped out before it left. When we go back, we got cheered by the whole town and we got a big prize from the world army association.

Training for Sport Camp!

Training for Sports Camp!
well training for sports camp is so much fun because we get to try all these different sports that well we have not played or maybe not even herd of before so whilst training i will tell you why, where, when, what, who and how we train for sports camp so keep reading and i will tell you more.

Why do we train for sports camp well simply because we want to be prepared to compete in sports. We will be going to Totara Springs in term 3 for a week to compete in 28 -30 sports. Also why is because its a great experience for all the students from Kaitao Challenge Academy to learn more things and sports that you may compete other schools in.

Where well the camp is placed in Matamata its called Totara springs its a big camp which it really fun to be at.

When: the sports camp is in week 5 of term 3 which is coming up really soon so we need to start training hard and as much as possible so we can go to sports camp and give them competition. also we only have 8 more weeks of training left.

What are we going for and training for?
We are going to play sports and have the time of our life (well not really) we really want to win some trophies once again like last year we took the whole camp out with the best overall students. we also won 6 other trophies and 7 runners up. we are training to go prepared and ready to give them a run for there money!

Who are going: there is 38 people all up and 20 of them are girls and 18 boys are going to be attending this awesome camp the best part about it is that its going to be all challenge students to represent Kaitao at Sports Camp.

How do we train: well all 38 students from challenge train every Friday as were getting closer and closer to our goal of getting to the best ability to participate in all the different sports at the camp. so that's how we train a tiny bit about our success of wining last year but not to mention why were and what we do at sports camp.

The hall

Hey, This is some pics of our new and cool hall.
We are really excited to see the finished piece, We have seen a bit of stuff in there and it looks cool, there is a sound both, basketball court, bigger doors and windows, and this cool as maori picture .
They started building our hall just after New Year and they have still been working on it.
I think it's going to be a great success and we are going to be very happy because it will look better, more room, it will be warm, and we can sit in there for assembly instead of outside in the cold AstroTurf . The favourite parts that i would probably like is the heaters and the court.

My Speech - Fast Foods

I believe that fast food is bad for your health , because it contains fat, has a lot of salt and, hygiene problems.

A good reason why fast food is bad for your health is because it has a lot of fat. Fat is not good for your health because it is a high risk of people having a heart attack, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and you could die. It is proven that Polynesians are more likely to get more high risk of getting heart attack, diabetes because of all the fast food/fatty foods they are eating.

Another good reason why fast food is bad for your health because it contains salt. It could cause diabetes, heart attack. Take a normal cheese burger for example which contains 15% salt, and you are eating 12% more than recommended on a daily base.

Now my last reason why fast food is bad for you is for hygiene reasons. In restaurants and takeaway shops the benches and tables are really dirty and the chefs are sometimes too busy to notice the mess. It is a fact that you are more likely to get food poisoning when eating out.

So in conclusion I think that fast food is bad for your health because of the fat in the food, has a lot of salt and hygiene reasons. So I think we should eat at home more often because we are becoming more lazy if we are getting takeaways and it is always fun cooking with and for the Family.

Waimarino trip

In 2009, Kaitao students went to Waimarino to participate in fun and very very cold water activities . We, Room14 left to go to Waimarino at about 9am. When we got there we learnt the rules and the main one was you were not allowed to say FREEZING or COLD otherwise 5 PRESS UPS........ , but we said peace of cake, till.......... Its freezing !!!! Its so cold, and the people said go "give me 5 press ups" and it was hard. Now in the first block we could do anything like Tarzan swing, Ultra high, kayak down the slide, go down the slide by yourself, play on the adventure park, jump and do bombs, play on the trampoline and, last but not least swim in the hot spa , Which was not even hot, it was practically warmish coldish . Well we done what ever we wanted then we had lunch. I had chicken sandwiches ,"Yummy!!!!". Then later we learnt how to use life jackets. Then got into our kayaks and had a paddle on the lake. Next we all learnt how to get all the water out of your kayak then them flip back over. Later on we had a race down the river not knowing were we were going. Ha ha. But then we had to stop and we played the Simpson's!!! Which is practically like tag. It was really cool, we had so much fun . We learnt so much stuff and it was really fun .

On that day I think every body had so much fun. We learnt so much.
This year room14 will be coming back to Waimarino in Term 3 and we will have a good time.

STaGe ChaLLenge

This is Stage Challenge people Representing us in a competition, facing people all over Rotorua .

Well I heard that all the Stage challenge people had a really great time showing of their spunky moves . And it was really cool to watch them . They had been training/practicing their moves. It took them about 3 weeks maybe more and it was a great success .

Challenge Represent!!!!

Yes well, At Kaitao Middle School we have different Academy's. We have Accelerate, Discovery, Expressive, Adventure, Enterprise, Rumaki and the best is ............ Challenge .

Its so cool in Challenge, We run the field 7 times a day and three times a week. For work we stream for maths and literacy , we do science and social studies too.We have fun in Challenge. The thing we like the most is playing sports, going on trips and especially when we go to Sports Camp. Now if you want to know more about Sports Camp then check out my blog. Well we are the fittest and we are really really good at singing. Well that's about it .

Rm14 Peepz Represent!!!

Tunohopu Camp......

Hi everyone, in term1 of 2009, Challenge academy went to Tunohopu Marae for camp .
It was a cool as camp , heaps of things happened . We had nice as FEEDS. Now over there we had waka ama, went to the aquatics, and watching movies. On mostly every night all of the girls had to do heaps of press ups....lol !!! But it was so cool, we had so much fun . ha ha ha, and then one night all of us had to go and clean the toilets, well of course we didn't !!! lol .
Well I think that every one's favourite thing happening down that was the game I DARE YOU!!! we had some crazy stuff going on with that !!!!! wont tell you because you would have already no by now????? ha ha ha ha.
Well that's about it for our camp. It was mean fun......

When we went to Sports Camp!!!

Last year some people from Challenge got selected to go to sports camp. This was held at Totara Springs. So we got there and got settled into our cabins. The girls cabins were so cool, it was like a double story house, we had about 7 beds, a kitchen and everything. Cool ae!!!!
over there you have the mean feeds. Meet heaps of people, and play heaps and heaps of sport.
We had the coolest time ever. Over there we would just kick it back with sports all day, and the meanest feeds ever. My favourite part I liked at Sports Camp was all the sports. Meeting the people and, the feeds. yummy!!!!

This is one of the pictures we took at sports camp .....
Oh yea by the way that's me on the left end side. hahaha


Hello, My name is Autumn and I am kicking it back down at Kaitao Middle School .

This is me right here.
By the way this is my first time I've been on here so hopefully it's awesome .

Now I would like to make a shout out to all the people at Kaitao Middle School, especially Challenge Academy, my family, and my best friend Rahera.
The favourite thing I like to do is kick it back with a bit of sport and going out to hang with my friends, And especially eating !!!!! .